Indian Scientists Developed New Techniques for Non-Conventional Approach to Measure The Radial Dimension of CME Coronal Mass Ejections Can Help Predict Adverse Effects On Earthee Ann

Indian Scientists Developed New Techniques for Non-Conventional Approach to Measure The Radial Dimension of CME Coronal Mass Ejections Can Help Predict Adverse Effects On Earthee Ann

Indian astronomers have discovered a unique method of measuring the expansion speed of the coronal mass ejection (CM) coming out of the Sun. This technique can help make an accurate prediction of the effect of CME on the Earth’s magnetosphere (magnetic field). The Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India gave this information on Thursday (30 January).

What will be the benefit of this technology?

This new method developed by scientists at Indian Institute of Astronomes Physics (IIA) can also measure the expansion of solar flames with a single-point in situ spacecraft, so that weather forecasts in future space in future and Can be made more accurate. If this happens, it will help in reducing the effects of satellite, power grid and navigation system.

What are the CME coming out of the Sun?

CMEs are huge bubbles of magnetic plasma emanating from the Sun, which can cause Geomagnetic Storm in the Earth’s magnetic field. This disturbance can neutralize the satellite. Radio can disrupt communication and even damage the power grid.

How was CME measured earlier?

Till now, only single-point observations were used to measure the expansion of CME, which proved inadequate. However, IIA scientists have discovered a new method, accurately estimating the speed of various sub-structures of CME (Leading Edge, Center and Trailing Edge). This method can also be ascertained how the expansion of CME changes at different heights. Prominent researcher of the study Anjali Aggarwal said, “This new method will help to understand how long CME can affect the Earth’s magnetosphere.”

This information will be available with new technology

According to Dr. Vagish Mishra, Professor of IIA and co-author of this study, ‘Our unique technology is capable of calculating the immediate expansion of CME, which will make it easier to estimate when and how much it will affect Earth.’ The technology is based on data from NASA and ESA solar missions (Soho, Stereo and Wind) and was successfully tried on a CME from the Sun on 3 April 2010. Now this method will also be applied to India’s first solar mission Aditya-L1.

This will benefit from new technology

Dr. Mishra said, ‘We are excited to use this technique on Aditya-L1 (Aditya Solar Wind Particle Experiment) data, so that the expansion of CME can be understood better.’ This research is considered to be an important achievement in the field of space weather forecast, which will further improve the safety of technical systems on space and Earth in the future.

Also read: How far has reduced the speed of the Earth’s rotation, what will happen when the earth stops?

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